Expand Your Horizons

Learn Spanish, Italian, French, and English with an Experienced Language Tutor

Course and Tutorials

Whether you’re planning to travel abroad or want to learn about other cultures, my language courses and tutorials are designed to help you become fluent in your target language.

One-to-One Lessons

Tailoring all services to each student’s needs, I provide one-to-one lessons and corporate training courses, either in person or online, for learners of all abilities.


Discover a New Language

My language school offers lessons, courses, and tutorials with an experienced language tutor.


I am a language tutor with more than 14 years’ experience teaching Italian, English, Spanish, and French. Serving students throughout the UK, I provide online lessons and tutorials for individuals, groups, and corporate clients. When you choose my language school, you’ll discover the benefits of independent learning, such as visiting new places or watching films and books, to advance your understanding and improve your fluency in the language of your choice. Contact me today to get started.